Italy Inside Out
Italy Inside Out
10. The Village of Cuglieri, Sardegna, Featuring Megan Hastings & Adam Cone
The Podcast host, Andrea Aldrich tells about a special town in Sardegna, Italy. She was introduced to this village by her two guests, Megan Hastings and Adam Cone, who took a leap of faith several years ago and bought a little stone house in the town of Cuglieri without seeing it in person first. They describe the unconventional way they found the house. The three of them share stories and insights about the town, its citizens, the beauty of the location and its unique characteristics.
Snapdragon Restaurant, Vashon Island WA, 206-463-1310, vashonsnapdragon.com
Wild Mermaid, Vashon Island, WA, 206-408-7424, facebook
Podcast Sponsor: Travel in Italia, leading small group tours on the mainland and islands of Italy, http://www.travelinitalia.com, info@travelinitalia.com or aldrichtravelart@gmail.com